(Updated: 24-September-2006)


Any material you send, you accept in full that it is free to distribute without restriction (unless otherwise specified), regardless of whether you yourself are the original author or not. "The Big Book of Amiga Hardware" can not be held in any way, shape or form responsible for any material submitted being used on this site or elsewhere. If you would like to place copyright or distribution restrictions on any of your submissions then you MUST send these details along with the submission. I may also refuse any submissions if I don't like the restrictions.


We prefer the best quality you can supply, but preferably no bigger than (2000 x 2000). These allow us to create smaller versions suitable for web viewing, and offer the larger versions for download. You do not have to send us the same picture in multiple sizes, as we will scale them when needed.


The donload area is still down at this moment for legal reasons. But we want to open it again and fill it with files, for which we have permission by the owner. Until that comes true, we further collect manuals. We prefer PDF files, but scans of manuals are also welcome.


The donload area is still down at this moment for legal reasons. But we want to open it again and fill it with files, for which we have permission by the owner. Until this comes true, we further collect drivers. We prefer DMS files, but any other file format is also welcome.