TTR Development: Sapphire
Connection: CPU Sockel


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Processor: EC020@7,14Mhz
FPU: 68881@7,14Mh (Surface Mounted)
MMU: None
Max Ram: None
Ram Type: Does not support the addition of memory.

An accelerator for the A2000 which plugs into the CPU socket. The chips are capable of 12MHZ, but are running at the Amiga's system speed. The solder points are from the tower which sits into the 68000 socket and provides it with enough clearance to sit even above a rom switcher cable. There is no provision for inserting the 68000 onto the accelerator as a fallback mode unlike most other accelerators which use the CPU socket. This board is technically compatible with the A500, however it does not physically fit, so you may need to alter the case or tower the A500.

Contributions to this page by:
Ron Mascaro

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