Expert Services: Rejuvenator
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Hi Res Version, Rejuvenator - bytes
Image of Rejuvenator connected to A1000 motherboard - bytes

An expansion board for the A1000 which provides it with a battery backed-up clock, an A2000 style video (with audio and parallel lines missing), 2MB of CHIP RAM, an 8372B Agnus, ECS Denise and A500/A2000 style ROM sockets for adding real kickstart chips. The Rejuvenator was supplied with 2 x 256kx4 80-120 nanosecond DRAM chips and Kickstart 1.3 by default by supports up to Kickstart 3.1. The onboard kickstart chips can be disabled via the use of a toggle switch for compatibility with old, badly written software.

Contributions to this page by:
Andre Pfeiffer

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