Amiga Technologies: A1200HD (AT)
Connection: Andere



A1200HD with magic pack
A1200HD with magic pack

Rear of A1200HD
Rear of A1200HD

Hi Res Version, A1200HD - bytes
Hi Res Version, A1200HD Image 2 - bytes
Hi Res Version, A1200HD with magic pack - bytes
Hi Res Version, Rear of A1200HD - bytes
Image of A1200HD with manuals and disks - bytes
Image of A1200 Magic Pack - bytes
Images of disks - bytes

The only real difference between the A1200HD and the A1200 from Amiga Technologies was the addition of a 2.5" IDE hard drive fitted as standard, as well as some additional disks for prepping. It is not known what sizes of hard drive were shipped with this A1200HD but it's likely to be larger than the hard drives shipped with the original Commodore A1200HD. For additional information, please the A1200 from Amiga Technologies.

Contributions to this page by:
Francisco Rabay Jr, RiWa & Friends

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