Cameron: Handy Scanner
Connection: Seitlicher Expansion Slot, Zorro II

Handy Scanner with A500 interface
Handy Scanner with A500 interface

Handy Scanner with A500 interface, manual and disk
Handy Scanner with A500 interface, manual and disk

Hi Res Version, Handy Scanner with A500 interface - bytes
Hi Res Version, Handy Scanner with A500 interface, manual and disk - bytes
Image of A500 interface - bytes
Image of the Zorro II interface - bytes
Image of Zorro II interface with adaptor - bytes

A hand scanner for the Amiga which is designed to connect to the side expansion slot of the A500/+, or a Zorro II slot with the Zorro II adaptor.

Contributions to this page by:
Frank Cieslewicz, Iggy Drougge, Sebastian Fahrner

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