XPert: Visiona Paint
XPert: Visiona Paint+
Anschluss: Zorro II

Picture of V0.98 beta card.

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Chipset(s) Inmos G3000 GAAS
Graphics Memory 2MB (20ns VRAM), 4MB for the plus version
8bit Support: Yes
16bit Support: Yes
24bit Support: Yes
Display Drivers
CyberGraphX V2: No
CyberGraphX V3: No
CyberGraphX V4: No
Picasso 96: No
EGS: Yes
Other: No

A Zorro II graphics card. It has a pixel clock of either 90Mhz, 110Mhz or 135Mhz for the plus version. It's possible that this card might not have been released to the public, the card is also labelled as "Inhouse" which suggest this.

Example Display Modes
Resolution Depth Frequency
8192 x 4096 1 ?
2048 x 2048 8 ?
1024 x 1024 24 ?

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