Matay: Prometheus
Anschluss: Zorro III

Rev. E Prometheus Platine

Grossansicht des Rev.E Boards - bytes

Zorro II: None
Zorro III: None
ISA: None
PCI: 4(Active, 33Mhz)
Video Slots: None
Other: None

The Prometheus is a PCI busboard which plugs into a Zorro III slot such as those in the A3000 series, A4000 series and A1200s fitted with Zorro III busboards. This card is probably best suited to "custom" solutions as the PCI cards will be at right angles to the Zorro cards, however extention cords are available so that the PCI cards can be aligned to the backplates. It is capable of transferring at 120MB/sec between PCI cards and about 12MB/sec between PCI cards and the Amiga. This card is sold with a CDROM which contains drivers for a Voodoo 3 graphics card (using P96 and Warp3D), network cards and sound cards. The drivers for this card are also open source, unlike the drivers for similar PCI busboards meaning that the Amiga community can easily develop their own drivers without relying on the company. All actual Prometheus boards actually have a DAM-transfer problem. Only non-DMA PCI cards can be used with the prometheus board.

Einsendungen zu dieser Seite von:
Mario Misic, Michael Böhmer

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