Ronin Research: Hurricane 2800
Anschluss: CPU Fast Slot (A2000)

Bild zeigt die nackte Platine

HiRes Version der nackten Platine - bytes

Processor:030@28Mhz, 030@36Mhz or 030@40Mhz
FPU:Optional 68881 or 68882 (PGA) at the same speed as the processor.
Max Ram:8MB (Requires an additional daughterboard)
Ram Type:DRAM chips with sockets. (Requires an additional daughterboard)

The Hurricane 2800 is designed to fit into the A2000s CPU Fast Slot. In order to add additional RAM to this accelerator and additional daughterboard is required. It was usually necessary to purchase the RAM board as very little speed increase is seen without it. The card also includes an onboard SCSI controller which provides an internal 50pin connector.

Einsendungen zu dieser Seite von:
Christian Krenner,

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