DCE: Blizzard 1260
Phase 5: Blizzard 1260
Anschluss: Trapdoor Slot (A1200)

Vorderansicht der Phase5 Version

Rückansicht der Phase5 Version

Vorderansicht der DCE Version

Rueckansicht der DCE Version

HiRes Version Phase5, Vorderseite - bytes
HiRes Version Phase5, Rueckseite - bytes
HiRes Version DCE, Vorderseite - bytes
HiRes Version DCE, Rueckseite - bytes

Max Ram:128MB (256MB with optional SCSI-II controller)
Ram Type:1 x 72pin SIMM slot. (2 if the optional SCSI-II controller is used)

An accelerator which plugs into the trapdoor slot of the A1200. An optional SCSI-II controller is also available for this board. Includes a battery backed up clock. The 060 may be disabled at boot time, by holding down the "2" key. The card was also manufactured by DCE when Phase 5 went bust.

Einsendungen zu dieser Seite von:
Karoly Balogh, Pascal Rielland

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