Spirit Technology: Insider A1000
Spirit Technology: Inboard 1000
Anschluss: CPU Sockel

A version of the card using ZIP Chips

Insider A1000, Vorderseite

Insider A1000 Rueckseite

Version of the card using DRAM chips

Hi Res Version, Image 3 - bytes
HiRes Version Insider A1000 Vorderseite - bytes
HiRes Version Insider A1000, Rueckseite - bytes

Max Ram: 1.5MB
Ram Type:ZIP Chips or DRAM Chips
FPU: None
RTC: None
Connection: CPU Socket

A RAM board designed for the A1000 which plugs into the CPU socket. There appears to be several versions of this card which require slightly different installation methods. If your card has two cables on it, then the clip labelled J2 should be connected to the Chip labelled "P" on the ROM daughterboard. It connects to the pin on the right hand side of the chip, 10 pins in from the back of the machine. The next pin down is for connecting the clip labelled J1.

Einsendungen zu dieser Seite von:
Craig Arnoldt, Gustavo Sarmento, Jan Pedersen

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